
Dashavatara List – 10 Avatars of Lord Vishnu

December 12th, 2023 by

In Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu, the preserver, and protector of the universe, is believed to have incarnated on Earth in various forms or avatars to restore balance and uphold righteousness. These incarnations, known as the Dashavatara, encompass ten significant manifestations of Lord Vishnu. Each avatar carries a specific purpose and message for humanity. In this article, we will explore the ten avatars of Lord Vishnu and delve into the stories and symbolism behind each divine incarnation.

10 Avatars of Lord Vishnu

Matsya (The Fish Avatar)

Matsya, the first avatar of Lord Vishnu, appeared during the Satya Yuga, the first age of the universe. In this form, Lord Vishnu took the shape of a giant fish to save the first man, Manu, and various species of plants and animals from a catastrophic flood. Matsya warned Manu about the impending deluge and guided him to build a massive boat to ensure their survival. The Matsya avatar signifies protection, guidance, and preservation of life.

Kurma (The Tortoise Avatar)

In the second avatar, Lord Vishnu assumed the form of a gigantic tortoise called Kurma. During the churning of the cosmic ocean (Samudra Manthan) by the gods and demons, Kurma supported Mount Mandara on his back, acting as a stable foundation. This avatar symbolizes stability, strength, and the willingness to bear immense burdens for the greater good.

Varaha (The Boar Avatar)

Lord Vishnu incarnated as Varaha, a divine boar, in the third avatar. Varaha rescued the Earth, which had sunk to the depths of the cosmic ocean. He defeated the demon Hiranyaksha and lifted the Earth on his tusks, restoring it to its rightful place. The Varaha avatar represents protection, valor, and the triumph of good over evil.

Narasimha (The Half-Man, Half-Lion Avatar)

Narasimha, the fourth avatar, emerged to vanquish the demon king Hiranyakashipu. He had obtained a boon that made him virtually indestructible. Lord Vishnu, in the form of Narasimha, tore apart Hiranyakashipu with his lion-like claws during twilight, neither inside nor outside, thus fulfilling the boon’s conditions. Narasimha signifies the embodiment of divine wrath, fearlessness, and the destruction of evil forces.

Vamana (The Dwarf Avatar)

Lord Vishnu took the form of Vamana, a dwarf Brahmin, to curtail the power of the demon king Mahabali, who had become invincible through his devotion and penance. Mahabali was approached by Vamana, who requested three steps of land. When granted, Vamana grew into a gigantic form, covering the entire universe in two strides. The humble Vamana avatar teaches the lesson of humility, righteousness, and the ultimate supremacy of the divine.

Parashurama (The Warrior Sage Avatar)

Parashurama, the sixth avatar, was a warrior sage who wielded a formidable axe known as the Parashu. He appeared during the Treta Yuga to eradicate tyranny and restore balance on Earth. Parashurama rid the world of corrupt and oppressive rulers, cleansing society of evil forces. This avatar symbolizes strength, valor, and the fight against injustice.

Rama (The Ideal King Avatar)

Rama, the seventh avatar, is the protagonist of the epic Ramayana. He exemplifies the qualities of an ideal king, husband, and son. Rama’s primary purpose was to rid the world of the demon king Ravana, who had captured Rama’s wife, Sita. With the help of his loyal devotee Hanuman and an army of vanaras, Rama waged a righteous war against Ravana and ultimately emerged victorious. The Rama avatar represents righteousness, honor, devotion, and the triumph of good over evil.

Krishna (The Divine Teacher Avatar)

Krishna, the eighth avatar, is one of the most beloved and revered deities in Hinduism. He played a central role in the epic Mahabharata, imparting profound wisdom and teachings through the Bhagavad Gita. Krishna exemplified various facets of life, serving as a mischievous child, a compassionate friend, a charismatic leader, and an enlightened spiritual guide. The Krishna avatar embodies love, compassion, knowledge, and the preservation of dharma (righteousness).

Buddha (The Enlightened Sage Avatar)

In the ninth avatar, Lord Vishnu appeared as Buddha, the enlightened sage who preached non-violence, compassion, and the path to liberation from suffering. The Buddha avatar was significant in reforming social and religious practices, inspiring a spiritual revolution and emphasizing the importance of inner transformation. This avatar represents enlightenment, peace, and the pursuit of spiritual awakening.

Kalki (The Future Avatar)

The Kalki avatar is the final incarnation of Lord Vishnu, yet to manifest in the future. It is believed that Kalki will appear at the end of the current age, Kali Yuga, to restore harmony and righteousness in a world plagued by moral degradation and chaos. Kalki will ride a white horse, wielding a blazing sword, and cleanse the world of evil, paving the way for a new age of enlightenment and righteousness.


The Dashavatara, the ten avatars of Lord Vishnu, represent the divine interventions undertaken to restore balance, uphold righteousness, and guide humanity on the path of righteousness. Each avatar holds unique symbolism and imparts valuable lessons for devotees to emulate. From the fish avatar Matsya to the future incarnation of Kalki, Lord Vishnu’s avatars exemplify virtues such as protection, strength, humility, righteousness, compassion, and enlightenment.

Devotees revere these avatars and seek inspiration from their stories and teachings. By understanding and imbibing the virtues represented by each avatar, individuals can strive towards personal and spiritual growth, and contribute to creating a more harmonious and righteous world.

Remember, the essence of these avatars lies not only in their individual stories but also in the universal truths and principles they convey. The Dashavatara serves as a reminder of the divine presence in our lives and the eternal battle between good and evil. May the wisdom and grace of Lord Vishnu’s avatars guide us on our spiritual journey and inspire us to lead virtuous lives filled with love, compassion, and righteousness.

Unveiling the Varahi Moola Mantra: The Divine Invocation in English

November 24th, 2023 by

Goddess Varahi, an incarnation of Goddess Parvati, is believed to have emerged from Lord Vishnu’s boar avatar, making her one of his formidable Shakti energies. Alongside Vaishnavi and Narasimhi, she represents the trio of his divine consorts. Varahi embodies the energy of Yama, the God of Death, and stands as a prominent figure among the Sapta Matrikas and the Ashta Matrikas. This article explores the multifaceted significance of Goddess Varahi across various religious traditions and delves into the empowering Varahi Moola Mantra.

Varahi Moola Mantra

Varahi in Hinduism:

Varahi’s visage, characterized by a boar-like countenance and a dark complexion reminiscent of storm clouds, mirrors her association with fierce energy. Adorned with a Karanda-Makuta crown and coral jewelry, she brandishes the Hala and Sakti while seated beneath a Kalpaka tree on a Peetam. The Vishnudharmottara text details her six hands, each bearing symbolic implements like the Danda, Khadga, Khetaka, and Pasa, while the remaining display the Abhaya and Varada mudras. An elephant, her emblem and mount, further symbolizes her essence.

Varahi in Other Traditions:

Goddess Varahi extends her influence beyond Hinduism. In Tibetan Buddhism, she manifests as a Dakini, an enlightened and compassionate entity revered for her protective attributes. Devotees believe she possesses the ability to interpret omens and prophecies, aiding individuals in transcending material attachments, including greed and lust.

Significance of Varahi:

As a member of the Sapta Matrikas, Varahi embodies controlled courage and fearlessness, serving as a reminder to confront challenges without succumbing to arrogance or greed. Worship and meditation upon Varahi help individuals recognize that such negative traits do not define their core nature. In Hindu mythology, Varahi, alongside the Sapta Matrikas, was created by Goddess Durga to vanquish the demon Raktabija, a testament to her formidable power.

The Varahi Moola Mantra:

Om Aim Hreem Shreem

Aim Gloum Aim

Namo Bhagavathi

Varthali Varthali

Varahi Varahi

Varahamuki Varahamuki

Anthe Anthini Namaha

Runthe Runthini Namaha

Jambe Jambini Namaha

Mohe Mohini Namaha

Sthambe Sthambini Namaha

Sarvadusta Pradustanaam Sarvesaam

Sarva Vaak Sidha Sakchur

Mukagathi Jihwa

Stambanam kuru Kuru

Seegram Vasyam

Aim Gloum

Taha, iTaha, thaha, Thaha

Hum Astraya phat Swaha ||

Ithi Sri Maha Varahi Moola Mantra ||

Chanting the Varahi Moola Mantra, be it thrice, twenty-one times, or a hundred and eight times daily, holds immense spiritual significance. Devotees offer pomegranate fruits and lemon rice as naivedya. For those seeking the blessings of Varahi, a continuous practice for forty-eight days is advised.

Benefits of Varahi Moola Mantra:

Devotees believe that invoking Goddess Varahi during the auspicious Brahma muhurta at 4 am can yield transformative outcomes. The practice is said to offer a myriad of benefits, including protection from malevolent forces, removal of the evil eye, safeguarding against accidents, and bestowing prosperity, courage, and confidence.


The Varahi Moola Mantra stands as a powerful invocation, beckoning the blessings and protection of Goddess Varahi. Rooted in ancient wisdom and revered across diverse traditions, it serves as a beacon of courage, fearlessness, and empowerment for those who seek its divine resonance.

Guru Mantra: Mantra to Express Gratitude To Teachers

November 20th, 2023 by

The literal meaning of the word Guru is “dispeller of darkness.” The darkness referred to here is ignorance.

Nowadays, most teachers are called Gurus, but traditionally, Guru is a religious or spiritual teacher. The Guru is someone who possesses deep knowledge that can lead to moksha (liberation or enlightenment), as well as direct experience of divine grace.

In the ancient days, it was the tradition for students to live with their Guru for a few years, and the Guru would play the role of a parent to them.

Not all Hindus have a Guru. But in Hinduism, it is believed that having a Guru is very beneficial for one’s spiritual progress. Though you do not need a Guru to attain enlightenment, the process is easier with a Guru.

It is like going on a journey with someone who has already made the trip and knows how to reach the place easily. If they are not physically present, one can also follow their written directions. Of course, one can always journey alone and still reach the destination, but the progress may be slower, and one can also wander off in the wrong direction.

The Guru guides the students on their spiritual path and facilitates their spiritual progress. With the help of the Guru’s spiritual, psychological, and practical insights, the student will be able to learn and advance spiritually.

Guru Mantra

What is Guru Mantra?

A Guru imparts a mantra to their shishya or disciple, who repeats it as a spiritual practice. This helps them in their personal growth. The Guru removes darkness, and the Guru Mantra is a spiritual tool to attain liberation.

A Guru Mantra basically comprises the name of a deity. It may be one word or a set of phrases. By chanting this Mantra, the student seeks guidance or expresses gratitude to their Guru.

Guru Mantra

Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru devo Maheshwara, Guru sakshat, Para-Brahma, tasmai Shri Guravay namah

This very popular Guru Mantra pays tribute to the Trimurti of Hinduism. The Trimurti, or holy trinity, includes Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

Guru Brahma is the Creator of the universe, the Vedas, and all knowledge.

Guru Vishnu is the one who preserves the universe. He is the deity who sustains and protects it.

GuruMaheshwara, or Shivais the Destroyer. He destroys so that everything can be created anew. He is also the deity of death and time.

Guru Sakshat is the Guru who is physically present and accessible, and Param Brahma is the Guru who is beyond the physical realm.

The Mantra ends by offering homage to the Guru and expressing gratitude to them for removing one’s darkness. The last phrase, “Shri Guravay Namah,” means that one bows down before the Guru.

Significance of Guru Mantra

Reciting this powerful Mantra with gratitude and reverence brings the Guru’s blessings in all our endeavors. The Mantra reminds us of the importance of the Guru and the blessings we stand to receive by loving, honoring, and serving the Guru. For the Guru is nothing but the inner light within us that guides us to enlightenment.

Difficult situations in life bring the greatest opportunities for personal growth and transformation. Destruction and change make possible enlightenment. Sometimes, we may have preconceived notions about Gurus, and this can prevent us from seeing the Guru in the form of a teacher or mentor. But if we can see beyond the teacher’s appearance and recognize the Guru in everything, we will attain a true understanding of life. Even a child, a flower, an insignificant object, or an animal can be a Guru in this sense. We can learn so many things if we keenly observe our surroundings and the things around us. Ultimately, all knowledge has only one purpose – to make us better human beings and help us achieve spiritual growth.

The Shree Guru Mantra ends by emphasizing the importance of humility and surrendering the ego to recognize the Guru. Only when we give up the desire for recognition and credit can we fully embrace the Guru and become spiritually enlightened.

Other Guru Mantras

1.Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo

Ong Namo: I bow to the creative power, the divine energy, the force that created this entire universe, this cosmos

Guru Dev Namo: I bow to the great divine teacher who is within me.

 This is a powerful Guru Mantra to start Kundalini Yoga. We all come from one source, and a part of that source, its energy and wisdom, is inside all of us. This mantra enables us to focus on the inner self and seek the wisdom within us.

2.Tvameva Mata Ch Pita Tvameva |

 Tvameva Bandhush-Ca Sakha Tvameva |

 Tvameva Vidyaa Dravinnam Tvameva |

 Tvameva Sarvam Mam Deva Deva ||

Meaning: Oh, My Dear Guru, You are mother and father to me,

 You alone are my relative and my friend.

 You are my wisdom and my wealth

 you are my divine light, my god.

Rahu Mantras: A Powerful Solution for Overcoming Life’s Challenges

November 20th, 2023 by

Rahu is the North Lunar Node that is said to cause eclipses. Rahu is a shadow planet in astrology and has no physical existence. However, it exerts a powerful influence on our lives as it is a karmic planet. Rahu has a close relation to the awakening of the ‘kundalini’ energy which lies coiled like a snake at the base of our spine. It signifies worldly illusions and its effects are deceptive. However, with proper guidance, Rahu can bring deep understanding and power in the spiritual as well as material realms. It represents the thirst for knowledge and the drive to gain experience.

In astrology, Rahu has a significant position. When it is favorable in a horoscope, it can bestow luxury, success, and prosperity. However, when it’s malefic, it can create many problems in one’s life. Hence, chanting of Rahu Mantras is often prescribed as a remedy by astrologers to reduce its harmful effects. 

Rahu Mantras

Rahu’s Effects in the Horoscope

Rahu reflects our karmic baggage or the residue of our past life karma. In other words, our past actions will determine Rahu’s effects on our current life. If you were a good person in your past life, Rahu will reward you for your virtue. But if you accumulated negative karma by doing bad deeds, Rahu may cause many hardships.

Rahu with other planets and houses

Rahu is associated with debts, enmity, and disease. At the same time, Rahu’s influence can make you brave, confident, and fearless. These are definitely positive traits and a strong Rahu in the birth chart can bestow such traits on the native. 

Rahu doesn’t have its own zodiac sign, so it influences the Lord of each house in a person’s natal chart. Rahu causes positive results if it’s in a friendly relationship with the Lord of the house it’s associated with, and adverse results if it’s in conflict. Rahu is powerful in the 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses.

Rahu in combination with other planets in the birth chart causes varied results. When Rahu and Venus are together, the native will be very greedy and hence, prone to making poor decisions.

A malefic Rahu in the horoscope makes matters complicated when it interacts with other planets. For example, if it influences Venus, the planet of love, it can affect your love life. Infidelity or breakups are possible in this case. Rahu does not care for good and evil, and can flout the rules of Dharma.

Rahu with Mars can cause impulsive and regrettable decisions as well as addictions like smoking or drinking. However, if Rahu combines favorably with Mercury, it is good for business growth. But if this combination is unfavorable, it may bring bad luck.

Rahu is unfavorable when it is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house or when it is placed in conjunction with the lords of these houses. Although Rahu symbolizes knowledge, its association with malefic planets can cause mental weakness.

Rahu Mantras

Though Rahu has a disruptive effect, its negative impact can be reduced by chanting Rahu Mantras, which help pacify Rahu. This can remove challenges and obstacles and pave the way for a smooth life.

Now let us take a look at some important Rahu Mantras:

1.Rahu Beej Mantra

This Mantra can bring relief for people who are facing the consequences of the sins they committed in their past life. Chanting the Rahu Beej Mantra regularly can reduce these effects and also protect one against black magic. It fortifies your aura and helps remove past bad karma.

Om Bhraam Bhreem Bhraum Saanha Raahve Namah ||

2. Rahu Gayatri Mantra

This Mantra helps to reduce the negative effects of Rahu. It can bring unexpected opportunities, facilitate healing, and bestow sudden wealth and success.

Om Nagadhwajaya Vidmahe Padmahastaya Dheemahi Tanno Rahuh Prachodayat ||

Meaning – Om, Let me meditate on him who has a snake in his flag, Oh, He who has a lotus in his hand, give me higher intellect and let Rahu illuminate my mind.

3. Rahu Shanti Mantra

This Mantra has the power to soothe Rahu and diminish its negative effects. Reciting this Mantra twice a day can bring relief from various obstacles, ensure safety, and boost happiness.

Om Rahuve Devaye Shaantim, Rahuve Kripaaye Karoti; Rahuaye chamaaye abhilaashat, Om Rahuve Namoh Namah ||

Meaning – O Lord Rahu, I bow down to you and pray that you forgive my sins and honor me with your benevolent blessings.

4. Puranic Rahu Mantra

If Rahu is not well placed in the horoscope, it can create problems like delays in growth, relationship issues, or wealth loss. Chanting the Puranic Rahu Mantra is an effective remedy as it can pacify Rahu.

Ardakayam Mahaviryam Chandraditya Vimardanam Singhika Garba Sambootam Tam Rahum Pranamamyaham ||

Meaning – It means that the chanter is paying his respects to Rahu who has half body and great powers. He is the one who has conquered the Sun and Moon and is born of a lioness.

Tips for Chanting Rahu Mantra

Rahu Mantras should be chanted at night or after sunset. However, the Rahu Gayatri Mantra can be recited at noon.

According to the Mantra, the number of recitations may vary, but typically, one should chant the Mantras 108 times. For best results, recite the Rahu mantra 18,000 times over 40 days.

During your worship, offer blue-colored flowers and sandalwood to the Kali or Gayatri yantra.

Krishna Mantra for Progeny Blessings – Santan Gopal Mantra

November 20th, 2023 by

Hinduism emphasizes the importance of progeny for a fulfilled life. Parenthood is not only a joyful experience; it is one of the goals of human life itself. 

Marriage is a sacrament for Hindus, not a mere social contract. The Vedas ordain that men and women were created to be parents and practice Dharma together. The Brahmanas assert that a man is “complete” only after marrying a woman, and having progeny. Under the circumstances, not having progeny is seen as a serious drawback by most Hindus.

However, Mantras can come to the help of those who lack progeny. Mantras are sacred words or chants that are believed to help manifest our desires. There are Vedic Mantras for every occasion. Thus, there are Mantras for those who desire children, too. One of the most well-known of these is the Santan Gopal Mantra.

Santan Gopal is the divine child form of Lord Krishna. He represents innocence and purity. Santan Gopal Mantra is mainly chanted for progeny blessings by childless couples.

Expectant mothers and those who wish to have intelligent children chant this Mantra. It works like a kavach or shield against negative energies both before and after childbirth.

Krishna Mantra

Significance of Santan Gopal Mantra

Krishna’s parents were Devaki and Vasudeva. They had to endure many difficulties in life and were actually in prison when he was born. It was Kamsa, Devaki’s brother, who imprisoned them as a divine prophecy had foretold that Devaki’s 8th child would kill him. Kamsa was an evil tyrant who had deposed his own father to steal his throne. To protect the newborn infant Krishna from Kamsa, Vasudeva had to endure grave risks to remove him to a safe place. However, he had divine help and was able to leave his son with his friend, Nanda, in Gokul.

But Kamsa was determined to find Krishna and kill him. He sent many demons to track the child, but Krishna killed all of them. Thus, the threat of death always hovered around Krishna. Having survived so many odds even as a child, it is no wonder that this Mantra is dedicated to Krishna’s child form.

Chanting the Santan Gopal Mantra is believed to keep the mother and the baby safe and ensure the birth of a healthy baby. 

Before chanting the Mantras, follow the steps given below:

  • Take a bath in the morning. Sit in front of a Krishna statue.
  • Use a Tulsi mala (a bead necklace) while chanting the Mantra – it can bestow more blessings, as Tulsi is dear to Krishna/Vishnu.
  • Also, use special flowers called Swet Pushp or Peet Pushp during the chanting. These flowers are often blue or yellow in color, like Krishna.

Santan Gopal Mantra

Om Shreeng Hreeng Kleeng Glaung Devakisut Govind

Vasudev Jagatpate Dehi Me Tanayam Krishn Tvaamaham Sharanam Gatah


The first 5 words are Bija Mantras or seed sounds. They energize the Mantra. 

‘Devakisut’ means ‘son of Devaki’, or Krishna.

‘Govind’ is another name for Krishna, symbolizing one who brings joy or a protector of cows.

‘Vasudev’ is the name of Krishna’s father, Vasudev. It also signifies that Krishna is the divine being who dwells in all beings.

‘Jagatpate’ means ‘Lord of the universe. It refers to Krishna’s all-encompassing power and presence.

‘Dehi Me Tanayam’ means ‘Grant me a son,’ or ‘bless me with a child’.

The last 4 words mean ‘Krishna, I seek your refuge’. It is a humble submission before the deity.

Om, Son of Devaki and Vasudeva, the Lord of Universe, Bless me with a child; I seek refuge in you, my Lord Krishna.

How to Chant the Mantra

The best time to chant it: Shukla Paksha or Chandravali or Shubh nakshatra (after taking a bath)

Expecting mothers should chant this mantra 125000 times by facing Lord Santhana’s idol or image.

Benefits of the Mantra 

  • Bestows progeny blessing
  • Removes obstacles to childbirth
  • Bestows intelligent and beautiful offspring
  • Prevents miscarriages.

Shri Krishna Santan Prapti mantra

Om Kleeng Gopalveshadhaaraay Vaasudevaay Hum Phat Swahaa


Om – It is the universal sound.

Kleeng – It is a bija (seed) mantra associated with attraction and enchantment. 

 Gopalveshadhaaraay – This compound word consists of the words “Gopal” + “Vesh” + “Dharay.” “Gopal” is a name for Krishna, referring to his role as a protector of cows. “Vesh” means form or attire, and “Dharay” means to wear or hold.

Vasudevaay – This word again refers to Krishna. It means ‘the son of Vasudev’ and is a common epithet found in many Krishna Mantras.

Hum Phat – These are Bija mantras, which are often found in Tantric practices. They help invoke divine energy and remove obstacles or negativity.

Swahaa – This word is often used to conclude a Mantra. It is like an offering or spiritual surrender to the divine.

Om, Lord Krishna, in the attire of cowherd, son of Vasudeva, remove obstacles from my life; I surrender to you.

How to Chant the Mantra

The best time to chant it: Early morning after a bath

This Mantra can help women who long for a child. Chant it 28 times a day for 96 days in front of Krishna’s idol/image.

Benefits of the Mantra

  • Bestows blessings from Krishna
  • Progeny blessings
  • Heals diseases that prevent pregnancy in mothers.

Santan Prapti Mantra

Om Namo Bhagavate Jagatprasutaye Namah


Om – It is the primordial sound from which the universe emanated. It represents the supreme reality.

Namo – It means ‘salutations’ or ‘adoration’. It expresses reverence.

Bhagavate – This means ‘the divine’ or ‘the lord’. It is used to address a deity.

Jagatprasutaye – This is a compound word comprising the words “Jagat,” meaning ‘the world’ or ‘universe’ and “prasūtaye,” meaning ‘origin’ or ‘creator’. Together, the word addresses the ‘creator of the universe’.

Namah – It is another form of ‘namo’, and it reinforces the act of salutation and surrender to the divine entity.

Om, I bow to the divine, the originator of the universe.

How to Chant the Mantra

The best time to chant it: Early morning after the bath

This Mantra can be chanted by couples trying to beget a child. Both parents can chant it 28 times a day for 96 days in front of Krishna’s idol or image.

Benefits of the Mantra:

  • Makes the mother strong during childbirth
  • Prevents health issues in newborns
  • Removes post-pregnancy issues for the mother
  • Speedy recovery from pregnancy

Santan Gopal Mantra is a powerful tool for those who wish to become parents but are unable to due to various reasons. It protects the baby and the mother before and after childbirth. The vibrations emitted by the Mantra remove negative influences and create positivity and well-being.

Shabar Mantra – Lyrics, Meaning and Benefits

November 20th, 2023 by

Shabar Mantras are Mantras that are in local Indian dialects. They are attributed mostly to the Nath Samprada and tribals. Shabar Mantras tend to lack purity, fixed ritual, and correct grammar. But they are powerful for two reasons. The first reason is that when a powerful Saadhak asks the deity for a favor in his name, the Saadhak can bind that energy in a Shabar Mantra that his initiates can recite while seeking quick remedies. Such Mantras should be given by that Saadhak himself. The second reason is that local deities who protect a local clan of tribals are bound to these Mantras; hence, they grant only the wishes of that clan.

Shabar Mantras stem from a compilation of many prevalent Mantras. They were propagated by Guru Gorakhnath, who was a renowned yogi in the Nath tradition.

Shabar Mantras are unique, as they were supposedly recited by Lord Shiva himself to Goddess Parvati. He also explained the power and benefits of these Mantras while revealing them to her.

Unlike the traditional Sanskrit Mantras, Shabar Mantras are in the colloquial accents and dialects of local villages. They differ from the Sanskrit mantras that are chanted for the vibrational energy they produce. 

With their roots in rural India, Shabar Mantras blend the traditional yoga language of Sanskrit with the vernacular languages. This makes them accessible to a larger audience.

Shabar Mantra

<h2>Shabar Mantra Lyrics and Meaning</h2>

Anyone can chant Shabar Mantra 108 times in the early morning, facing the north direction. The Mantra is given below:

Om hrim srim gom, Goraksanathaya vidmahe

Sunya putraya dhimahi tanno, Gorakasa niranjanah prachodayat

Om hrim srim gom, Hum phat svaha

Om hrim srim gom, Goraksa hum phat svaha

Om hrim srim gom goraksa, Niranjanatmane hum phat svaha

Om hrim srim gom, Goraksanathaya vidmahe:

The first part of the Mantra calls upon Guru Gorakhnath, using the sacred syllables ‘Om,’ ‘Hrim,’ and ‘Srim’. The phrase ‘Goraksanathaya’ means “We know of Gorakshnath”. ‘Vidmahe’ refers to knowledge and understanding. It indicates a recognition of the spiritual presence of Guru Gorakhnath.

Sunya putraya dhimahi tanno, Gorakasa niranjanah prachodayat:

‘Sunya putraya dhimahi tanno’ translates to “We meditate upon the son of the Sun”. Guru

Gorakhnath is associated with solar power, so this phrase alludes to it. The second part, ‘Gorakasa niranjanah prachodayat’, calls for the awakening of the pure or unblemished form of Goraksha (another name for Gorakhnath).

Om hrim srim gom, Hum phat svaha:

The syllables ‘Om,’ ‘Hrim,’ and Srim’ are used again to begin this phrase. The second part, ‘Ham Phat Svaha,’ is a common ending for many Mantras. It is a spiritual invocation often used to conclude Sanskrit prayers and Mantras.

Om hrim srim gom, Goraksa hum phat svaha:

This line is similar to the previous line, but it includes ‘Goraksa’, a reference to Gorakhnath.

Om hrim srim gom goraksa, Niranjanatmane hum phat svaha:

The concluding part of the Mantra includes the phrase ‘Niranjanatmane,’ which denotes the ‘pure or unblemished soul’, referring to Gorakhnath’s pure spiritual essence.

Benefits of Shabar Mantra

Shabar Mantras are simple yet powerful. They can bestow many benefits when one chants them with faith. Unlike other mantras, anybody can chant them. One’s religious or social background is irrelevant. They do not need elaborate rituals or perfect pronunciation.

Let us see what their benefits are:

  • Shabar Mantras can fulfill specific desires and resolve problems related to health, wealth, love, protection, or success.
  • Chanting Shabar Mantras regularly is good for spiritual growth. They bring a sense of peace and facilitate spiritual enlightenment.
  • Shabar Mantras can protect one from enemies, negative energies, and evil eyes.
  • Some Shabar Mantras have healing properties and can cure ailments.
  • Shabar Mantras help create a positive energy field around the chanter. They enable positivity in thought, emotion, and action.
  • Shabar Mantras can bestow wealth, success in business, and career growth.
  • Some Shabar Mantras help improve relationships. They foster love and harmony between couples and help one to attract good life partners.
  • They are accessible to everyone.

Significance of Shabar Mantras

Shabar Mantras are powerful tools that help one to face obstacles and challenges. They can enable one to achieve one’s goals. Regular recitation of Shabar Mantras reduces stress and anxiety and brings mental peace.

Shabar Mantra is considered “Siddha” or perfected from its inception. Unlike the Beej Mantras or Vedic Mantras, which call for proper enunciation and specific rituals to attain Mantra Siddhi or experience the full power and benefits of the Mantra, anyone can chant Shabar Mantras, irrespective of their age, gender, or caste. This ensures that even ordinary people can access these spiritual tools and benefit from them.

Shabar Mantras have a unique phonic structure. They typically end with the words “Phat Svaha.” This sound element is designed to invoke spiritual energy.

10 Powerful Vishnu Mantras You Should Chant

November 20th, 2023 by

In the Hindu religious universe, there are as many as 33 crore gods and goddesses. But there is a hierarchy in heaven by which there are 3 major divinities who form the Trimurti comprising Brahma, the Creator, Vishnu, the Preserver, and Shiva, the Destroyer.

Vishnu’s task is to preserve and protect the Universe from threats and dangers. From time to time, he incarnates on earth when it faces the threat of evil forces represented by various Asuras or demons. The demons unleash chaos and pose a challenge to the rule of Dharma or righteousness. But Vishnu destroys the demons and restores order and balance, thereby maintaining the status quo.

Many stories, hymns, and festivals are based on Vishnu and his avatars. They talk about his power, compassion, and glory.

Some of his popular avatars are Krishna, Rama, Narasimha, Vamana, etc.

Powerful Vishnu Mantras

The Power of Mantras

Mantras are words, sounds, or phrases that can create certain vibrations in the atmosphereMost Mantras are of a positive nature and, when repeatedly chanted, can lead to positive changes in our lives. Such transformations can be physical, emotional, and spiritual. Many people chant Mantras to manifest their desires. Others chant them to achieve greater focus, boost concentration, and de-stress. Whatever the purpose, it has been scientifically proved that Mantras can benefit us in many ways.

Here are 10 powerful Vishnu Mantras that can help you invoke Vishnu’s blessings for peace, happiness, and prosperity in life.

Mukti Mantra

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya।।

When translated, this antra means, “I bow to the Lord who resides in the hearts of everyone”. The Mantra generates compassion, as it reminds the chanter that God is present in every living being. It fills one with love towards all and removes obstacles from one’s life.

Vishnu Shantakaram Mantra

Shantakaram Bhujagashayanam Padmanabham Suresham

Vishvadharam Gaganasadrisham Meghavarnam Shubhangam

Lakshmikantam Kamalanayanam Yogibhirdhyanagamyam

Vande Vishnum Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanatham।।

The Mantra means, “I bow to Lord Vishnu who preserves and protects the universe, who is pacific, who lies on the divine serpent, from whose navel arises the Lotus with the power of creation, who is the Supreme Being, who holds the entire universe, who is all-pervading as the sky, who is dark like clouds and has a magnificent form. Lakshmi’s Lord, one with lotus eye, who is perceived through meditation by the Yogis, I salute you, Lord Vishnu, who removes the fear of worldly existence and who is the Lord of all worlds”.

Chanting this Mantra regularly makes a person fearless, as it helps to bring one out of worldly affairs and its fears.

Shri Vishnu Mantra

Tvameva Maataa Ca Pitaa Tvameva Tvameva Bandhush-Ca Sakhaa Tvam-Eva

Tvameva Viidyaa Dravinnam Tvam-Eva Tvameva Sarvam Mama Deva Deva।।

The Mantra means, “O Lord, you are my father and mother; you are also my friend and brother, my wealth and education itself; I see my hopes and salvation in you”.

Chant this Mantra when you are facing problems and need guidance. The ancient sages believed that reciting this Mantra can improve one’s concentration and help invoke Vishnu’s guidance in all aspects of life.

Moola Vishnu Mantra

Om Namo Narayanaya।।

The Mantra means, “I bow before the Almighty”. It is a salutation to Vishnu. The Mantra supposedly has the power to help one attain Vaikuntha in the afterlife. However, Vaikuntha also means ‘to be without desires,’ so one can use this Mantra to free oneself from materialistic attachments and fears.

Vishnu Sloka

Kaayena Vaacaa Manase[a-I]ndriyair-Vaa

Buddhy[i]-Aatmanaa Vaa Prakrteh Svabhaavaat |

Karomi Yad-Yat-Sakalam Parasmai

Naaraayannayeti Samarpayaami ||

This Sloka occurs in the Bhagavad Gita and Mukundamala. The Mukundamala version differs slightly from the Gita version. The Mantra above is from Mukundamala. It means, “Whatever I do with my body, speech, mind or sense organs, whatever I do with my intellect, feelings of heart or unconsciously through the natural tendencies of my mind, Whatever I do, I do all for others, I surrender them all at the lotus feet of Sri Narayana”. Chanting this Mantra is believed to liberate one from karmic deeds performed consciously or unconsciously and help one attain enlightenment. By chanting it regularly, one can become free of stress and guilt.

Vishnu Mangalam Mantra

Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnuh, Mangalam Garunadhwajah

Mangalam Pundari Kakshah, Mangalaya Tano Harih

The Mantra means, “All auspiciousness to Lord Vishnu, all auspiciousness to one who has Garuda as His flag. All auspiciousness to one who has eyes like lotus flowers, and auspiciousness to Hari. This Mantra is chanted to invoke Vishnu’s blessings when carrying out auspicious activities like Pooja, marriage, Aarati, etc.

Purana Mantra

Om Apavitrah Pavitro Vaa Sarva-Avasthaam Gato-[A]pi Vaa |

Yah SmaretPunnddariikaakssam Sa BaahyaAbhyantarah Shucih ||

This Vishnu Mantra occurs in many Puranas, and it is one of the main Vishnu Mantras. The Mantra means, ‘Om, if one is Apavitra (impure) or Pavitra (pure), or even in all other conditions, one who remembers Pundarikaksha (Vishnu), shall be pure outwardly as well as inwardly’. Chanting this Mantra frees one from sins. It frees us from bondage and liberates us from emotional connections that cause sorrow in life.

Vishnu Gayatri Mantra

Om Shri Vishnave Cha Vidmahe Vasudevaya Dhimahi

Tanno Vishnuh Prachodayat

This Vishnu Mantra means, “Om, Let me meditate on Lord Vishnu;h, Lord Vasudeva, give me higher intellect; And let Lord Vishnu illuminate my mind”. Like other Gayatri Mantras, this Mantra is believed to remove fears and bring one to reality.


Sa-Shangkha-Cakram Sa-Kiriitta-Kunnddalam Sa-Piita-Vastram Sarasiiruhe[a-Ii]kssannam

Sa-Haara-Vakssas-Sthala-Shobhi-Kaustubham Namaami Vissnnum Shirasaa Catur-Bhujam ||

The Mantra means,” Salutations to Sri Vishnu, who is holding the conch and chakra, and who is adorned with diadem and earrings; with yellow garments and lotus-like eyes. Whose chest is adorned with a garland with the Kaustubha gem; four-armed form of Sri Vishnu and bow my head before him”. Bhakti or devotion is essential for self-awareness. Chanting this Mantra helps develop quick reflexes and boosts concentration.

Vishnu Mantra

Megha-Shyaamam Piita-Kausheya-Vaasam Shriivatsa-Angkam Kaustubho[a-U]dbhaasita-Anggam |

Punnyo[(a-U)]petam Punnddariika-[A]ayata-Akssam Vissnnum Vande Sarva-Lokai[a-E]ka-Naatham ||

When translated, this Mantra means, “We salute Lord Vishnu, who is beautiful like the dark clouds, and who is wearing yellow garments of silk; who has the mark of Srivatsa on his chest; and whose body is shining with the radiance of the Kaushtubha Mani, whose form is permeated with holiness, and whose beautiful eyes are extended like lotus petals; we salute Sri Vishnu who is the One Lord of all the Lokas”. This is a prayer that is dedicated to Vishnu, which one can chant during Poojas or worship of Vishnu.

Significance of Chitra Pournami

April 28th, 2023 by

Chitra Pournami is considered as the Birthday of Chitragupta. On this day, you can ask Him to rewrite your current account, removing the misdeeds or bad karma while increasing the ‘positive’ karma and blessing so that you can keep that good karma.

Sins are wrong deeds that people commit, either knowingly or unconsciously. These actions create their negative karma, which will result in a life in hell.  You can free yourself from all of your bad karma by balancing your sins with potent treatments.

Worshipping Chitragupta on Chitra Pournami will help you gain the blessings of the divine judge and avail the rewards after life by becoming a purified soul.

Clear Your Bad Karma on Chitra Pournami

It is important to clear negative karma as it is the primary reason we lack wealth. We all have negative karma, it occurs due to past actions, due to curses deserved or not, and vows of poverty or chastity. All these past actions, curses and vows have an effect.

We call karma negative when it causes suffering and limits us. This is not a philosophical concept, it’s very real and we experience it as a lack of; wealth, health, relationships and there seems no solution is available. But there are solutions and the first full moon of the 2023 Vedic calendar is a big one, it’s called Chitra Pournami.

Chitra Full Moon a.k.a Chitra Pournami

Chitra Pournami or Chitra Full Moon, also known as Chitra Poornima, occurs when Sun is in exalted position in the sign Aries (close to the Earth), and the Moon is aligned with Chitra, the bright Star, in the constellation of Libra. The sign Libra seeks balance.

Chitra Pournami is a day dedicated to Chitragupta, the Keeper of Deeds. Like any accountant, there is a supreme accountant or bookkeeper known as “Chitragupta” who keeps a transaction of each individual’s previous set of activities, both good and bad, in a heavenly database referred to as “Akashic” Records, which acts as your cosmic individual log. Make your ultimate day of judgement less harsh by appeasing Chitragupta.

According to our ancestors’ wisdom, Chitragupta balances our good karma against our bad karma before reporting the results to the Supreme Judge. Chitragupta was created by Lord Brahma via the Sun God and is considered Lord Yama’s younger brother.

Chitra Pournami is an auspicious day to gain Chitragupta’s blessings to wash away all your sins and to bag the virtue for life beyond!

Full Moon is an ideal time for creation and manifestation. It is a period when the mind starts weighing and balancing its own thinking formations. Your soul is energised by the exalted Sun in Aries, and this gives you more power to make better “karmic” decisions that will determine the course of both your current life and the life to come.

Reserve a Place in Heaven!

It is widely acknowledged that any sin can be atoned for by doing good for the victim, as well as via real prayers and powerful cures. Participating in the Chitra Pournami rituals will help to wash out your sins and reserve a special place in heaven.

In addition to recording mistakes, Chitragupta also takes into account any attempts made to atone for such misdeeds. He assists us in receiving blessings and avoiding punishment after death. If you really repent, promise not to do the same mistakes again, and pray to the Lord Chitragupta with trust and devotion, your sin will be forgiven.

Gain the Power to Be a Purified Soul!

The best way to end your karma is by “donation.” Giving away items like apparel, food, books, cash, or anything else that will benefit a person in need is regarded as extremely beneficial for soul purification. Sincere donations to the underprivileged and needy are like accumulating dividends for positive karma.

Things to Do on Akshaya Tritiya to Avail of Its Spiritual Benefits

April 28th, 2023 by

Akshaya Tritiya is an auspicious day in the Hindu calendar that falls on the third day of the bright half of the lunar month of Vaishakha. It is believed that whatever good deeds are performed on this day will bring everlasting benefits.’

Akshaya’ means ‘eternal’ or ‘never declining,’ while ‘Tritiya’ means ‘third’. Akha Teej or Akti are other names for this day.  Akshaya Tritiya is associated with several important events in Hindu mythology.

It is believed that Lord Parashurama, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, was born on this day. It is also believed that on this day, Lord Ganesha began writing the epic Mahabharata to sage Vyasa’s dictation. Additionally, it is believed that on this day, the Sun and the Moon are in exalted positions, which makes it an auspicious time for starting new ventures and investments.

Here are some things you can do on Akshaya Tritiya to avail of its spiritual benefits:

Perform Puja and Offerings

Performing puja and making offerings to the Gods is one of the best ways to seek their blessings on Akshaya Tritiya. You can worship Lord Vishnu or any other deity you prefer. Offerings can include flowers, fruits, sweets, and coconut.


Charity is an integral part of Hinduism, and Akshaya Tritiya is an excellent day to donate to the less fortunate. You can donate money, clothes, food, or any other item that you feel can help someone in need. Donating on this day is believed to bring good karma and blessings.

Plant a Tree

Planting a tree is a great way to contribute to the environment and also earn good karma. Trees are considered sacred in Hinduism, and planting a tree on Akshaya Tritiya is believed to bring everlasting benefits.

Begin a New Venture

As mentioned earlier, Akshaya Tritiya is an auspicious time for starting new ventures and investments. If you have been planning to start a new business or make a new investment, this is an excellent day to do so.

Perform Homam

Homam is a sacred fire ritual performed to invoke the blessings of the Gods. Performing Homam on Akshaya Tritiya is believed to bring good fortune, success, and prosperity. You can perform Homam for Lord Vishnu or any other deity you prefer.

Recite Sacred Mantras

Reciting sacred mantras is a powerful way to connect with the divine and seek their blessings. You can recite mantras dedicated to Lord Vishnu, Lord Ganesha, or any other deity you prefer. Mantras like the Vishnu Sahasranama, Ganesh Atharvashirsha, or the Gayatri Mantra are considered highly beneficial.


Fasting on Akshaya Tritiya is believed to bring good health and wealth. You can observe a fast by abstaining from food or specific food items. Fasting is also a way to purify the body and mind and connect with the divine.

Perform Japa

Japa is the repetition of a sacred mantra or the name of God. It is a powerful way to focus the mind and seek the blessings of the divine. You can perform Japa of any mantra or the name of your preferred deity.

In conclusion, Akshaya Tritiya is a day to seek the blessings of the divine and earn good karma. By performing puja, making offerings, donating, planting a tree, beginning a new venture, performing Homam, reciting sacred mantras, fasting, or performing Japa, you can avail of the spiritual benefits of this special day.

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

March 6th, 2023 by

“Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” is a Sanskrit mantra that is traditionally used in Hinduism to invoke the blessings and protection of Lord Vasudeva, who is regarded as the supreme deity and a representation of ultimate reality in some Hindu traditions. The mantra roughly translates to “I bow to Lord Vasudeva.”

However, the meaning and significance of this remain profound.


Om is regarded as Shabdha Brahman, the ultimate principle of speech sound, because it is an eternal, universal sound. It represents the ultimate spirit. ‘Namo’ is a respectful greeting. ‘Bhagavate’ is the supreme divinity, also known as God. The term ‘Va(a)sudevaya’ literally means “the son of Vasudeva” and refers to Lord Krishna, who was born as Vasudeva’s son.

‘Vasu’ can also be translated as ‘the one who is the life force of all beings,’ while ‘Devaya’ is the Almighty. As a result, ‘Vasudevaya’ can also be translated as ‘the supreme divinity who lives in all lives.’

Vasudeva Krishna

Krishna is regarded as possibly the greatest of Lord Vishnu’s avatars. He takes on the duty of protecting the subjects’ lives and descends to earth whenever necessary to ensure that they live honorably and peacefully.

Krishna served in a variety of capacities during his time on earth, towering there as a representation of love, mercy, knowledge, power, wisdom, and the highest level of consciousness. He continues to be the main character of the magnificent epic Mahabharatha, and the revered Bhagavata Purana is almost entirely devoted to his heroic deeds and divine sports.

Krishna, however, was a historical person who coexisted in flesh and blood with the inhabitants of our country and is not just a mythological figure.

The Efficacy of “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya”

The efficacy of the “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” mantra can be subjective and varies depending on individual beliefs and practices. In Hinduism, it is believed that repeated chanting of this mantra can bring inner peace, calmness, and spiritual insight, and can also protect the individual from negative influences.

However, the power of the mantra is considered to come more from one’s faith and devotion than from the mantra itself. The effectiveness of this mantra as a spiritual tool may also depend on factors such as the frequency and sincerity of its repetition.

According to legend, child Dhruva was introduced to this chanting by the sage Narada, and by reciting it, the young boy is said to have attained the darshan and grace of Lord Vishnu himself. Modern-day saints such as Swami Vivekananda and Swami Sivananda have also emphasized its greatness.

It is strongly believed that chanting this prayer hymn with devotion, reflecting on it with a focused mind, carrying out one’s duties with dedication alongside it, and putting the results in the hands of the Almighty will earn the devotees Lord Krishna’s boundless grace and his enormous blessings.